
The Russian Academy of Natural History assigns the Grif of educational-methodical association of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences to educational publications .

The Russian Academy of Natural History assigns non-periodical publications (books, monographs, dissertations, study guides, etc.) a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) .


Modern Problems of Science and Education

Journal Modern problems of science and education

Impact factor RSCI = 0.813

The journal "Modern problems of science and education" is INCLUDED in the CURRENT LIST HAK ( ).

4th place in the Russian segment of scientific journals according to Google Scholar

The journal is registered in the Center International de l'ISSN. ISSN 2070-7428.

Journal «Modern Problems of Science and Education» is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media.
Certificate of registration No. ФС 77-34132.
The journal publishes articles of a problematic and scientific-practical nature on medical and pedagogical sciences.

The journal is included in the VINITI database and the international reference system "Ulrich's Periodicals directory"

Fundamental Researches

Basic Research Journal

Impact factor RSCI = 1,087

The journal "Fundamental Researches" is included in the current list of HAC ( ).

3rd place in the Russian segment of scientific journals according to Google Scholar

The journal is registered with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Broadcasting and Mass Media.
Certificate of registration ПИ No. 77-63397.

The journal is registered in the Center International de l'ISSN. ISSN 1812-7339.

The journal publishes articles of a problematic, scientific and practical nature in economics.
The subscription index in the catalog of LLC Rospechat is 33297. The journal is included in the VINITI databases and the international reference system Ulrich's Periodicals directory

"Modern high technology"

Journal of High Technology

Impact factor RSCI = 0.916

The journal "Modern high technology" is included in the current list of HAC ( ).

The journal is registered with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Broadcasting and Mass Media.
Certificate of registration PI No. 77-63399.
The journal is included in the Review Journal and the VINITI Databases.
The journal is registered in the Center International de l'ISSN. ISSN 1812-7320.
Information about the journal is published annually in the international reference system and international databases on periodicals and continuing editions of the Ulrich's Periodicals directory in order to inform the world scientific community.
The journal is presented in the leading libraries of the country and is peer-reviewed.
The journal is presented in the SCIENTIFIC ELECTRONIC LIBRARY - the lead executor of the project to create the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and has an impact factor of the Russian Science Citation Index (IF RSCI).
The journal has been published since 2003.
The journal publishes theoretical articles reflecting achievements in the field of pedagogy and in the field of modern industrial and experimental technologies.

The journal "Advances in current natural sciences"

Success Journal of Modern Natural History

Impact factor RSCI = 0.736

The journal is INCLUDED in the CURRENT LIST HAK ( ).

24th place in the Russian segment of scientific journals according to Google Scholar

The publication is registered with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Broadcasting and Mass Media.
Certificate of registration PI No. 77-63398.

The journal is included in the Review Journal and the VINITI Databases.
The journal is registered in the Center International de l'ISSN. ISSN 1681-7494.
Information about the journal is published annually in the international reference system and international databases on periodicals and continuing editions of the Ulrich's Periodicals directory in order to inform the world scientific community.
The journal is presented in the country's leading libraries and is peer-reviewed.
The journal is presented in the SCIENTIFIC ELECTRONIC LIBRARY - the lead executor of the project to create the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and has an impact factor of the Russian Science Citation Index (IF RSCI)
The journal is an ongoing scientific publication. The journal publishes scientific articles reflecting achievements in the field of science in various scientific fields.

International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research

International Journal of Applied and Basic Research

Impact factor RSCI = 0.570

The jornal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications. Certificate of registration PI No. FS 77-60735.
The journal is included in the Review Journal and the VINITI Databases.
The journal is registered in the Center International de l'ISSN. ISSN 1996-3955.
Information about the journal is published annually in the international reference system and international databases on periodicals and continuing editions of the Ulrich's Periodicals directory in order to inform the world scientific community.
The journal is presented in the leading libraries of the country and is peer-reviewed.
The journal is presented in the SCIENTIFIC ELECTRONIC LIBRARY - the lead executor of the project to create the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and has an impact factor of the Russian Science Citation Index (IF RSCI)

He publishes articles on applied and fundamental research in various fields of modern science.

International Journal of Experimental Education

International Journal of Experimental Education

Impact factor RSCI = 0.440

The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications. Certificate of registration PI No. FS 77-60736.
The journal is included in the Review Journal and the VINITI Databases.
The journal is registered in the Center International de l'ISSN. ISSN 2618-7159.
Information about the journal is published annually in the international reference system and international databases on periodicals and continuing editions of the Ulrich's Periodicals directory in order to inform the world scientific community.
The journal is presented in the leading libraries of the country and is peer-reviewed.
The journal is presented in the SCIENTIFIC ELECTRONIC LIBRARY - the lead executor of the project to create the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and has an impact factor of the Russian Science Citation Index (IF RSCI)

The journal publishes articles on contemporary issues of education, linguistics and scientific knowledge.

Jornals "Scientific Review"

Journals Scientific Review

The Jornal was published in Russia from 1894 to 1903, published scientific works of V.I. Lenin, G.V. Plekhanova, D.I. Mendeleev, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, other famous scientists and public figures.
The publication of the journal was resumed by the Russian Academy of Natural Hitory in 2014.

The publications are registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor).
All issues of the journal are placed in the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU and are indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index of the Russian Science Citation Index.
The publications are registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) and the Center International de l'ISSN.
A number of journals in the series are preparing to be included in the new edition of the HAC List.
Registration certificates:

PI No. FS77-57452 - Scientific Review. Medical sciences. Impact factor RSCI =0.380
PI No. FS77-57454 - Scientific Review. Biological sciences. Impact factor RSCI =0,303
PI No. FS77-57503 - Scientific Review. Economic sciences. Impact factor RSCI =0,600
PI No. FS77-57475 - Scientific Review. Pedagogical sciences. Impact factor RSCI =0,308
PI No. FS77-57440 - Scientific Review. Technical science.



Impact factor RSCI = 0.249

The journal is registered in the Center International de l'ISSN. ISSN 2073-4972.
The journal is included in the international databases of the Ulrich's Periodicals directory

He publishes review and theoretical articles and short reports reflecting the modern achievements of the natural and other sciences.
The journal is published in English, distributed in the EU and the Russian Federation.

The journal is presented in the SCIENTIFIC ELECTRONIC LIBRARY - the lead executor of the project to create the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and has an impact factor of the Russian Science Citation Index (IF RSCI)

Electronic scientific journal "International Student Scientific Herald"

International Student Scientific Journal

The publication is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (EL No. FS-77-55504).
The journal publishes scientific reviews, articles of a problem and scientific-practical nature, scientific student essays, term papers, and diploma theses.

Electronic international student scientific journal "EUROPEAN STUDENT SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL"

Electronic international student scientific journal EUROPEAN STUDENT SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL

The journal is registered in the Center International de l'ISSN. ISSN 2310-3094

The journal publishes scientific reviews, articles of a problematic and scientific-practical nature in English.

Electronic school scientific journal "Start in Science"

Electronic school scientific journal Start in Science

The journal is registered in the Center International de l'ISSN. ISSN 2542-0186.

The publication is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (EL No. FS 77-67279)

The journal publishes research papers by schoolchildren.

Electronic school scientific journal "International School Scientific Bulletin"

Electronic School Science Journal International School Science Bulletin

The journal is registered in the Center International de l'ISSN. ISSN 2542-0372.

The publication is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (EL No. FS 77-67254)

The journal publishes research papers by schoolchildren.

Electronic school scientific journal "Literary creativity of schoolchildren"

Electronic school scientific journal Literary work of schoolchildren

The publication is registered by the Federal Service for Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor).

Certificate of Registration EL No. FS 77-73797

The journal is registered in the Center International de l'ISSN. ISSN 2658-3283.

The journal publishes literary works of schoolchildren.

Scientific Electronic Library

Scientific Electronic Library

More than 300 monographs published by the publishing house of the Russian Academy of Natural History in 2006-2020

Express edition of monographs and study guides.

The publishing house "Academy of Natural History" accepts for publication monographs, textbooks, proceedings of institutions and conferences.

Journal Search:


April 26-29, 2020, Moscow International Salon of Education-2020

The Academy of Natural History took part in the Moscow International Salon of Education-2020, which was held in a new format.

November 6-10, 2019, the exhibition BUCH WIEN 2019 (Austria, Vienna)

The Russian Academy of Natural History took part in the exhibition BUCH WIEN 2019, (Austria, Vienna, November 6-10, 2019).

October 12-15, 2019, Full-time stage of the VII competition "START IN SCIENCE", Sochi

From October 12 to 15, 2019 in Sochi, the final intramural stage of the VII international competition of research and creative work of students "START IN SCIENCE" and the final meeting of teachers of higher and secondary schools in the framework of the scientific and practical conference "Modern problems of school education "

September 4-8, 2019, 32 Moscow International Book Fair, Moscow, VDNH

The Russian Academy of Natural History (International Association of Scientists, Teachers and Specialists) took part in the 32nd Moscow International Book Fair, Moscow, VDNH, September 4-8, 2019.

July 17-23, 2019, the exhibition HONG KONG BOOK FAIR 2019 (Hong Kong, PRC)

The Russian Academy of Natural History took part in the exhibition HONG KONG BOOK FAIR 2019, (China, Hong Kong, July 17-23, 2019).

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