The Academy of Natural History turned 25 years old in 2020.

The Academy has passed important stages of its development. Today, the Academy is one of the most famous, authoritative and dynamically developing public scientific and organizational structures of Russia.

The Academy of Natural History was registered in 1995 at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in Moscow.

The main objectives of the Academy are:

  • promoting the development of science, education and culture in Russia;
  • facilitating the organization and coordination of basic and applied research;
  • promoting international cooperation in the field of science, education and culture, the integration of Russian scientists in the world scientific community.

In the framework of the tasks set for the Academy, large-scale studies are constantly carried out regarding the development of the theoretical base in the field of basic sciences and the development of fundamentally new technologies on its basis. Scientific, methodological and informational support is being provided for economic, educational and social reforms, comprehensive studies of the territory of Russia are being carried out, promising methods are being developed for the development and efficient use of natural resources, and programs are being implemented to preserve and strengthen the health of the population of the Russian Federation.

The scientific interests of the Academy have long gone beyond the framework of the natural sciences, not only Russian scientists, but also scientists from the countries of near and far abroad cooperate with the Academy. Many journals of the Academy are published in English and are of undoubted interest to the foreign reader. In this regard, the Russian Academy of Natural History de facto and de jure has become the "International Association of Scientists, Teachers and Specialists . "

The Academy’s organizational and publishing projects are currently being implemented on a contractual basis by numerous public and commercial organizations.

The Academy constantly conducts active editorial and publishing activities, development and implementation of programs for the preparation and release of scientific journals, monographs, encyclopedic publications in various fields of scientific knowledge. Hundreds of scientific monographs published by the Academy are available on the website of the RANH Electronic Scientific Library ( ).

The publishing house Academy of Natural History publishes twenty-seven national and international journals with a high impact factor RSCI ( ).

The journal "Fundamental research" ( ), the journal "Advances in current natural science" ( ), the journal "Modern high technology" ( http: // top- ), the journal "Modern Problems of Science and Education" ( ) are included in the current List of peer-reviewed scientific publications (HAC of RF).

An important publishing and informational project is the creation of the first annually re-published all-Russian encyclopedia “FAMOUS SCIENTISTS” ( ), including biographies of about 16,500 prominent scientists and specialists. The formation of the information base of the encyclopedia undoubtedly contributes to a significant expansion of both scientific contacts and the awareness of the country's scientific community about the development of science in various regions of Russia.

The constantly updated encyclopedia “LEADING SCIENTIFIC SCHOOLS” acquaints the reader with the founders of the leading scientific schools of Russia ( ).

The increased participation and multifaceted interactions of specialists and scientists in the information field created by the Academy dictated the need to design their own publishing platform, which runs more than 60 scientific journals established by universities, institutes and authors, as well as a computer-based conference management system.

One of the main areas of work is the holding of international exhibitions of scientific and educational literature ( ), as well as participation with one's own pavilion in the largest publishing exhibitions and salons (VDNH, EXPOCENTER, International Education Salon, Paris Book Salon, etc.)

The Academy of Natural History pays great attention to the research work of students and young scientists. The annual international multidisciplinary “Student Scientific Forums” provide participation in publications and discussions to thousands of students ( ).

The international competition in research and creative work of students “Start in Science” annually gathers thousands of participants - students in grades 1-11 and their scientific supervisors ( )

Children's scientific journals are published: “Start in Science” ( ), “International School Scientific Bulletin” ( ), “Literary Work of Schoolchildren” ( https: // ).

Every year, the Academy of Natural History holds hundreds of scientific forums at various levels ( ). The sites of the Academy of Natural History are visited daily by more than one hundred thousand specialists.

Dear Colleagues! You can send all wishes, congratulations to stukova@rae. ru . We look forward to a fruitful and constructive cooperation!

Journal Search:


April 26-29, 2020, Moscow International Salon of Education-2020

The Academy of Natural History took part in the Moscow International Salon of Education-2020, which was held in a new format.

November 6-10, 2019, the exhibition BUCH WIEN 2019 (Austria, Vienna)

The Russian Academy of Natural History took part in the exhibition BUCH WIEN 2019, (Austria, Vienna, November 6-10, 2019).

October 12-15, 2019, Full-time stage of the VII competition "START IN SCIENCE", Sochi

From October 12 to 15, 2019 in Sochi, the final intramural stage of the VII international competition of research and creative work of students "START IN SCIENCE" and the final meeting of teachers of higher and secondary schools in the framework of the scientific and practical conference "Modern problems of school education "

September 4-8, 2019, 32 Moscow International Book Fair, Moscow, VDNH

The Russian Academy of Natural History (International Association of Scientists, Teachers and Specialists) took part in the 32nd Moscow International Book Fair, Moscow, VDNH, September 4-8, 2019.

July 17-23, 2019, the exhibition HONG KONG BOOK FAIR 2019 (Hong Kong, PRC)

The Russian Academy of Natural History took part in the exhibition HONG KONG BOOK FAIR 2019, (China, Hong Kong, July 17-23, 2019).

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